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Thread: WarZ Level 2

  1. #1

    WarZ Level 2


    Here is my review.


    Tom M

    Even though this section is about writing a review about the hack instead of it's author, I want to take my time and tell a bit of my experience with Tom.

    Tom helped me though the paying process. Lame ass Paypal kept on buggin' me about adding a credit card to my account otherwise the payment could not continue. And trust me, I've tried it with both the recurring option and the 3 months option. Same thing. So I message Tom and explained him what's wrong. He told me I could sent the money to the TM Cheats account and he'll do the rest. I got activate a couple of hours later. I love the service he provide, much much and much better than other cheating website who simply do not care about it's users. The way I see it, TM Cheats has probably the most friendliest community out there with an Administrator that keeps on releasing updates when necessary.

    And a friend of mine had the same issues I had, so I asked Tom if it was okay if I paid for my friend and he said, sure no problem and he also got activated a couple of hours later. Great service and a very friendly Administrator.

    Thank you Tom M for all your hard work, and I hope to see more great things coming from you. Also, thanks a bunch for helping my friend and I with the PayPal issues.

    1) ESP.

    I really love the ESP, it's giving me a fair advantage over other guys AND I can see which other numb nut is hacking as well. That way, I can approach building, people or other areas safely without getting headshotted from long range. The item ESP is great, now I can see where there are weapons, and what kind of items someone has dropped. It's truly amazing and handy dandy for sure. Not to mention that I can loot my gear more safe now!

    2) No Clip.

    Ah yes, I fell in love with this feature. The fact that I can surprise butt sex anyone from behind and steal their gear really does it for me. Going to places where no one else is able to reach is also a big plus, that way you can pop 'dem heads of players and grab their gear and enjoying the dramatic show they pull afterwards.

    3) Aimbot.

    Yes, the most famous aimbot, most likely the most used feature in any hack. I really love this, I can pop anyone from any distance with every single weapon (except for the snipers of course) Although, I can perfectly aim myself, I'd rather let the aimbot do it for me so I can be sure that every shot is a hit. I've wasted groups with the aimbot varying from close range to long range. The aimbot has never let me down yet, and I hope it never will. Although, making the aimbot sniper compatible would be nice, but hey, we should be happy with what we got right?

    4) Super Jump.

    Even though the server will kick you from the game if you spam this too much, the feature itself is pretty nice. I just have to press the button and it jumps me to the top of a building. I really love this. However, if you want to take out a group of people within a building with my 6 levels in it. I suggest not using this but No Clip instead.

    5) Speedhack.

    The fact that I can travel more faster does it for me, and I can troll other people with it and take out larger groups of people easily. There is not really much to say about this, it's self explanatory really. :3

    6) Zombie ESP / Aimbot.

    Great feature, since I do like to use the ESP on zombies I'd rather use the 2 Radar for it. It's a great addition to the hack because you never know where those lame ass zombies are located at. They always take you by surprise and I shit you not, it even detected a invisible zombie for me. It's like the first time I saw a invisible zombie on my 2D Radar.

    7) No spread, No Sway, Instant Hit, No Reload, Auto Shoot and Infinite Sprint

    No Reload)

    Well, this feature is not working for me, might add a review later when it does.

    No Sway)

    Also not working for me unfortunately, will add later when it works again.

    Instant Hit)

    This feature is really awesome, who wants to wait for their bullets to hit the enemy when you can have them hit instantly. This feature has helped me out so many times before and has become one of my favorite features now. I never turn it off again.

    Infinite Sprint)

    Finally, I can sprint as long as I want without the stamina meter going down. In the game I feel like a kid with the stamina of a 4 year old really. But Tom did a great job and fixed it. Really useful!

    Auto Shoot)

    For the lazy people under us (which I am sure there are) why click your mouse button if the hack can do it himself. Great feature, used it a couple of times, although, I prefer the mouse clicking method.

    No Spread)

    Speaks for itself doesn't it?

    8) Shitlist

    Oh those moments when I didn't figure out the shitlist yet and kept on killing all my friends time after time. Finally, I fgured out how it works and added them to my friendlist. The feature is good. I no longer hit my buddy's. The rest speaks for itself really.

    And this basically is my review. Some are short but I really couldn't find anything to describe them as they are now!

    Take care,

  2. #2
    Nice review, I agree.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thanks for your review



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